

A Lenten Small Group: Wilderness Within by St. Josephine

In Wilderness Within, Sr. Josephine will guide you through the forty days of Lent to attend to the wilderness of your heart as a place to be explored, restored, and sent on mission by Jesus’s tender love. Signing up guarantees you a hard copy of the book Wilderness Within and access to our weekly meetings whether in person or virtually. This small group will meet 3/5-4/16 once a week.

Sign Up HERE

Reach out to a Stephen Minister Today

Stephens Ministry

Stephen Ministers are lay congregation members trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation. A Stephen Minister typically has one care receiver at a time and meets with that person once a week for about an hour.

Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need.


Lectors proclaim the Word of God during Mass, allowing the Scriptures to come alive for the congregation. Their dedication to this ministry ensures that the Word is heard with clarity and meaning, inspiring and guiding us in our faith journey.

Carl Pentis at 310-649-4238

Antoinette Luxford at 310-338-1140

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Ministers have the profound privilege of distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to our fellow parishioners. Their service at the altar is a testament to their deep faith and unwavering commitment to the Eucharistic celebration, bringing Christ's presence to all who partake.


Ushers provide a warm and welcoming presence as they assist with seating, collections, and maintaining order during Mass. Their friendly demeanor and helpfulness create an atmosphere of hospitality and reverence, making everyone feel at home in our parish.


Sacristans work diligently behind the scenes to prepare the altar and sacred vessels for the celebration of the Eucharist. Their meticulous attention to detail ensures that our liturgical celebrations are conducted with the utmost reverence and respect.

Altar & Sacristy Care Ministry

The Altar and Sacristy Care Ministry cares for and cleans the Sanctuary, the Church, the linens and the Sacristy.

Contact Rose DeLeonardis at 310-645-7175

Altar Server Ministry

Open to all youth in our Parish. Altar Servers assist the priest during Mass, contributing to the smooth and reverent flow of the liturgy. Their presence at the altar is a sign of their dedication and willingness to serve God and the parish community.Training is provided to new altar servers by adult volunteers who also organize schedules for all masses. They also maintain albs, cleaning, mending, and replacing as necessary.

Contact Mary Paquin at 310-502-6653

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry enhances our worship through the gift of song, lifting our hearts and minds to God. Their musical talents and dedication to rehearsals bring beauty and joy to our liturgical celebrations, helping us to praise and worship with one voice.

Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry fosters a sense of community and belonging by organizing social events and gatherings. Their efforts help to build strong relationships among parishioners, creating a supportive and loving parish family.

The Donut and Coffee Committee picks up the donuts and sets up for Donuts and Coffee after the 7am, 9am, and 11am Masses.

Contact Sr. Teresita at 310-216-2001

Ministry of Consolation

The Consolation Ministry offers support and comfort to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one, providing a compassionate presence during difficult times.

Contact the Aleida Rodriguez by emailing

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Bible Study

The Bible Study program provides an opportunity to study a book or genre from the Bible in-depth in a group setting. Classes usually begin in the fall and conclude in the spring.

Tuesdays – Morning Sessions: 9-10:30 am; Evening Sessions: 7:00-8:30 pm

Contact Carolyn Godlewski at 

310-670-2243 or

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Companions on the Journey

This ministry offers spiritual companionship and support to individuals on their faith journey, fostering a deeper connection with God and the parish community.

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Eucharistic Ministers in Homes

These Ministers distribute the Eucharist and provide comfort and hope to parishioners who are homebound or in the hospital.

Contact the Parish Office at 310-670-2243

Men’s Morning Hour

Men of God meet to discuss Holy Scripture and how it shapes lives in today’s environment. The men meet the first Wednesday of the month and enjoy coffee, refreshments, and conversation.

Contact the Parish Office at 310-670-2243

Collection Counters

Dedicated men and women who regularly give their time in service to the parish, as they meticulously count, recount, record and deposit all funds received in the weekly parish offertory on Sundays and Holy Days. 

Contact Fred Balsz at 310-670-2243

St. Francis Pet Ministry

The St. Francis Pet Ministry supports all of God's creatures, promoting the care and well-being of pets and animals within the parish community.

Finance Council

The finance council is an advisory board put in place to council the Pastor on the financial well-being of the parish and ensure well-thought stewardship for the parish community as a whole.

Contact David Mora, Finance Council Chair 


Community Outreach

This program is an opportunity to provide and serve food to those in need on the weekend at St. Roberts Center Venice

Contact the Parish Office at 310-670-2243

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Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities provides an opportunity to serve, support and nourish those in our local under privileged population through various community programs and services.

Contact Cindy Begazo at 310-306-9390 and Frank Velasco at 310-827-5217

Knights of Columbus

The Knights are an active men’s fraternal organization who strive to exemplify the principles of charity, fraternity, unity and patriotism.

Contact the Knights of Columbus at 310-821-2324

Men’s Club

The goal of the St. Anastasia Men’s Club is to promote fellowship through fun social activities for the men in the St. A’s community while raising money and awareness for the endowment fund. To find out more, visit the website at

Contact Chris Turkmany at 310-200-8021

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