The Bible Study Program provides an opportunity to study the Bible and Catechism in-depth in a group setting.
Current Study: For the 2024-2025 season, our study of Jesus: the Way, the Truth, and the Life begins on October 8, followed by When You Pray – Cultivating a Rich and Lasting Prayer Life. Our studies run through the end of April. Join us as we get to know Jesus Christ as a Person – who He really is, what He is like, what He taught, and how He accomplished our redemption. Then walk with us as we develop a deep, regular, and Catholic prayer life – learning from the Saints how to overcome obstacles and to trust God.
We meet on Tuesdays in the Parish Hall; the entrance is on Stanmoor Drive.
Morning Sessions: 9-10:30 am; Evening Sessions: 7:00-8:30 pm
Registration: Sign up for this study at the Parish Office or Online: Select the ‘Giving’ menu on the homepage; press the ‘Make a Donation’ button; then scroll down to Bible Study.
About us: St. Anastasia parish has offered an active Bible Study program since 2008. Our past studies have included Genesis, The Prophets, the Wisdom literature, the Gospels of Matthew, Luke, and John, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Ephesians, The Epistle of James, Acts of the Apostles, The Book of Revelation, A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, Walking in Wisdom – Living in Virtue, and Surviving the Last Days – The Gospels are ‘The Way’.
Contact Carolyn Godlewski at
Register by September 24 and save $5 on materials cost.
After September 24 materials cost will be $45.
Registration: Sign up for this study at the Parish Office or Online by clicking the button below