Called to Renew Capital Campaign

Called to Renew Capital Campaign

Call to Renew

Called to Renew is a historic, five-year campaign to strengthen parishes, families, and communities through unity and action; together we commit to renewing what is important so we can pass it on to those who we love. Our community is excited to participate alongside all parishes, missions and Catholic centers in the Archdiocese to strengthen and renew our Church for the future. Please continue reading to learn how this campaign will benefit us.

Pledge Today

From the Pastor

Dear Friends in Christ

As active and involved parishioners, you are aware of the many blessings we must be grateful for at St. Anastasia. Your family has likely celebrated many rites of passage here, such as Baptism and First Communion. You may have exchanged wedding vows in our church or bid farewell to a loved one in the comfort of our spiritual home. Truly, our parish plays a vital role throughout our lives.

But have you ever stopped to reflect on who is responsible for all we enjoy and use today?

Nearly 70 years ago, our founding members built the very buildings we enjoy today. Just as we have benefited from the generosity of those who came before us, we, too, are Called to Renew our Church so future generations have the same opportunities to worship and encounter Christ.

I am pleased to announce that our parish is relaunching Called to Renew . We began this historic campaign in January 2020 before parishes closed due to the pandemic, and it is now time for us to complete our campaign. I invite you to fully consider God’s many blessings in your life, our parish, and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

We have been given a goal for the campaign of $1,245,000, of which 50% —$622,500— will be invested directly into our parish. Additionally, 100% of the funds we collect over our goal are entirely ours to invest in additional projects and will help us pave the ground for our renewed vision of St. Anastasia Church and school.

Through much prayer and discussion, we have decided to direct our share of campaign funds to the remodeling of our church, faith formation, additional security for our school campus, and upgrades to the school’s infrastructure.

Please prayerfully consider a five-year pledge to the campaign to keep our Church vibrant and healthy, and to ensure our parish remains a presence in our community for years to come.

l hope you will join me in supporting Called to Renew.

Peace in Christ,

Rev. Leszek Semik

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