First Holy Communion is a two year program for children that have been baptized and looking to receive the sacraments of First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation.
First Holy Communion Year 1 Curriculum Blest Are We Level 1: The Trinity
(Classes held on Sunday see Calendar)
First Holy Communion Year 2 Curriculum Blest Are We Level 2: Jesus Christ
(Classes held on Sunday see Calendar)
Both Blest Are We Faith in Action religious education programs were developed according to the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. These four parts of the Catechism are identified by the words Believe, Worship, Live, and Pray. Student books help students learn their Catholic faith and deepen their Catholic identity.
Student will also receive a prayer book that will be used throughout the two years of their faith formation. Catholic Prayers and Practices for Young Disciples, is a prayer book that includes the order of the mass and an examination of conscience for first Reconciliation.
This year we are launching our ‘Family Catechesis’ parent involvement program. Both Year 1 and Year 2 parent(s) will be required to attend a class twice a month during the same scheduled time as their child(ren) session.
Family Catechesis Parent Sessions for Year 1 Resource: Exploring Our Catholic Faith Author(s): RCL Benziger
Themes include: The tradition of prayer, God: Father and Creator, Jesus Christ: Son of God, Sacraments of healing, The Eucharist, The revelation of prayer, Human dignity, the Human Community, God’s Revelation, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Son of Mary are a few of the themes.
Family Catechesis Parent Sessions for Year 2 Resource: Family Life, Parent Connection – Opportunities to Love, Level 2 Author(s): RCL Benziger
The Parent Connection resource has been developed to help parents discover more about the Catholic faith and connect deeper as a family. Parents will be inspired by the teachings of the Catholic Church, and learn some practical techniques to use within their families. Features: Five Featured Articles per grade level help parents strengthen their relationships with children according to God’s gift of family, self, life, love, and community.