Our Confirmation program is designed to prepare the high school Confirmation candidates to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, to deepen their Catholic faith, and to encourage active participation in our parish community.
Confirmation Contact: Dianalee Dupree
Email: DDupree@St-Anastasia.org
Parish Office: 310-670-2243 ext 36
Confirmation is the sacrament in which you receive a deeper outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It completes the initiation that began in Baptism, giving you the gifts and tools needed to live out your whole life as a holy Catholic. “By the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1285).
The preparation process for Confirmation is two years beginning during Freshman year of High School and receiving the Sacrament during the Easter Season of their Sophomore year. The program focuses on worship, formation, service, and community building. Confirmation candidates attend 12 sessions a year. See calendar below for full list of dates or click HERE. Candidates will attend 5PM Mass and immediately after walk over to the Parish Hall for a 6PM-8PM Confirmation preparation session. Refreshments provided with family donations
Use this type of layout to give a more detailed description of a service. Write clearly and use relatively short sentences.
Use this type of layout to give a more detailed description of a service. Write clearly and use relatively short sentences.
Fees are due upon completing registration forms and due by the first session of each year.
Note* Dates are subject to change
Session Day Month Date
Parent Orientation Sunday August 22
Session 1 Sunday September 15
Session 2 Sunday October 13
Session 3 Sunday November 3
Session 4 Sunday December 8
Session 5 Sunday January 5
Session 6 Sunday February 9
Session 7 Sunday March 16
Session 8 Sunday April 13
Session 9 Sunday May 18
Note* Dates are subject to change
Session Day Month Date
Parent Orientation Sunday August 23
Session 1 Sunday August 25
Session 2 Sunday September 22
Session 3 Sunday October 20
Session 4 Sunday November 17
Session 5 Sunday December 15
Session 6 Sunday January 5
Session 7 Sunday February 23
Session 8 Sunday March 9
Session 9 Sunday May 4