Virtual School Mass

Fridays at 9:00 AM


Dear Teachers, Parents and our Students,

Please join us this Friday and every Friday for our virtual School Mass!

While we may not be as polished as the latest and greatest Hollywood production, we in fact, believe and know our message and our worship of our Lord is far more powerful and life-giving!

This world is in need of answers, but for know the answer is only found in a relationship with Christ.

Even when we get back into our Church to worship the Lord, our message of faith will still be the same!

I want to invite you to take a moment to visit our Facebook page or visit us on the parish website where you can find already recorded Mass and whenever you find the most convenient time during the day please join us with our students to celebrate the Holy Eucharist.

I would encourage you to attempt to close all other distractions, and just spend a while with us and the Lord in focused worship. While we do not believe this will ever replace the joy of being together as the Church, it sure is nice to know that we can be united this way until we are able to meet again in our church.


Fr. Leszek